Angie Hofstad & Kari Petersen

Angie Hofstad and her granddaughter Kari Petersen were the first people to record an interview for the Listening Project. Angie is one of those calm and capable Alaskan women who can track a moose, shoot it, and then use every scrap to feed her family. She is well-known in our town for her fishing and hunting prowess as well as her skills as a gardener and a cook. In short, she is an amazing woman who describes herself modestly as a “housewife”, and laughs with pleasure as she recounts her childhood days on fox farm located on Camp Island near Petersburg.

Kari, her granddaughter is another remarkable member of our community. She is a mother of two livelyboys, an activist for autistic children and a major force behind creative children’s programming at the Public Library. Kari’s energy and creativity and curiosity mirror Angie’s. It was a pleasure to spend an hour with these two amazing Petersburg women.